
Natural patterns

The new “Natural patterns” definitive stamps depict beautiful aspects of Swiss nature, which often reveal their magic only on closer inspection.

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Nature as an artist – that’s the concept behind the new definitive stamps. Some patterns drawn by nature have an almost magical appeal, such as the shimmering surface of the water photographed in the Ausliker Ried area at Lake Pfäffikon in the Canton of Zurich. The gossamer-thin streaks on the “Plant oil” design come from wetland plants such as water mint, whose cells contain essential oils. The floating plant oil is broken down by bacteria, turning shades of blue and purple to red and orange. The play of colours is particularly beautiful after rainfall, when rainbow-coloured patterns shaped by currents and wind are formed. But this is no lasting work of art: as the bacteria continues to break down, the film of oil sinks to the bottom of the water. The image on the stamp, for instance, disappeared just two days after the photo was taken.

The countless natural beauties of Switzerland that are worthy of admiration and protection are also often hidden in the details – for example, on the forest floor. If you kneel down and take a very close look at the moss, for instance, you’ll find a surprise: a tiny dense forest – another fairytale forest within the forest. What else can you see? The micro-photos invite us to embrace new perspectives, to become curious and to discover the unknown in the known – in a butterfly wing, for example, or in a ball of ice in a stream. If you take the time to observe nature with a careful eye, you will be rewarded with many a marvellous work of art.

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Technical information


Mint stamps 

Philately/branches: from end of November 2023 until further notice 

Philatelic products

Philately: from 29.2.2024 until further notice


Unlimited from 1.1.2024


Offset, CHF 1.20 Butterfly: 6-colour and Iriodin coating

Other stamps: 5-colour and Iriodin coating

Joh. Enschedé, Haarlem, Netherlands


CHF 1.00 Ice: Stamps: 33  × 28 mm, business sheet: 180 × 380 mm (open), 180 × 95 mm (folded) 10 rows of 5 stamps

CHF 1.20 Butterfly: Stamps: 33  × 38 mm, business sheet: 180 × 500 mm (open), 180 × 125 mm (folded) 10 rows of 5 stamps

CHF 1.40 Seedhead, CHF 1.70 Spiderweb, CHF 1.90 Moss, CHF 2.00 Marble, CHF 2.50 Plant oil, CHF 3.10 Tree bark, CHF 4.30 Sand: Stamps: 33 × 28 mm, business sheet: 82 × 198 mm (open), 82 × 99 mm (folded) 5 rows of 2 stamps

Stamp booklet:

CHF 1.00 Ice: 183 × 62 mm (open)

CHF 1.20 Butterfly: 183 × 84 mm (open)


White stamp paper with optical brightener, self-adhesive, on backing paper, 196 gm2 (sheet) or 220 gm2 (stamp booklet)


Serpentine cut (4 sides)



Thomas Ruf, Muttenz (face values 100, 120, 190)

Martin Stünzi, Oberdürnten (face values 140, 170, 200, 250, 310, 430)