Stamps, Event

Stamp Day 2023 Eschenbach LU

To mark this year’s Stamp Day, the Lucerne National Stamp Exhibition (LUNABA) will be held from 16 to 18 November. The miniature sheet dedicated to the event shows Eschenbach Abbey, a landmark in the host municipality.

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“Stamp Day” miniature sheet

LUNABA is organized by the Lucerne Philately Society. Among the attractions at the three-day stamp event are a dealer’s exchange, around 100 collections, activities for young people and Swiss Post’s cancellation service. Desirée Möschl, designer of the Stamp Day miniature sheet, will also be there for an autograph session. The graphic artist from Lucerne, who has an attachment to philately, knew from the outset that Eschenbach Abbey, as a landmark of the town, would play an important role in the design.

A visit to the Cistercian abbey inspired her: “I found the reflection of the abbey, seen in a window from the outside, particularly fitting. Because it could be the perspective of various different people – like a sister, a tourist or someone local.” Besides the domes of the abbey, the reflection also shows the surrounding mountain landscape. Next to it is a magnificent sundial adorning the ruins, one of the largest of its kind in Switzerland. “Taking my lead from the cantonal coat of arms, I opted for blue and white for my design,” says Möschl, explaining her choice of colours.

“Stamp Day” postal card
Postal card

Lucerne Philately Society

Founded in 1888 and with 110 members, the society is one of Switzerland’s oldest stamp associations. It has numerous past exhibitions to its name – the first in 1947.

“Stamp Day 2023” special cancellation
Special cancellation

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LUNABA stamp exhibition, level II

Place: Turnhalle Neuheim, 6274 Eschenbach LU (Lindenfeld bus stop)

Opening times of exhibition, stamp exchange and sales stand with cancellation service

  • Thursday, 16 November 2023, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Friday, 17 November 2023, 9.30 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Saturday, 18 November 2023, 9.30 a.m.–4 p.m.

Swiss Post will run a sales stand with a cancellation service. The special cancellation depicted here will be used. Individual documents can also be sent to the following address by 16 November: Post CH Network Ltd, Retail Logistics, Cancellation Service, “TdBM2023”, Werkstrasse 41, 3250 Lyss. 

Autograph session

Desirée Möschl, designer of the miniature sheet, will be signing her works on Saturday, 18 November 2023 from 10 a.m to 11.30 a.m. You can find more information at lunaba.chTarget not accessible.

Buy stamps now
All stamps and philatelic products can be found at

“Stamp Day 2023” FDC

Technical information


Philately: from 2.11.2023 to 31.12.2024 or while stocks last

Branches: from 9.11.2023 to 31.12.2024 or while stocks last


Unlimited from 9.11.2023


Offset, 4-colour; Gutenberg AG, Schaan, Principality of Liechtenstein


Stamp: 27.5 × 32.4 mm

Miniature sheet: 131 × 51 mm


White stamp paper with optical brightener, matt gummed, 110 gm2


11 ¾ : 11 ¾


Desirée Möschl, Hofstatt