
Cool blonde, green fairies and other exotic characters

Everyone knows them: Swiss Post branches with partners. They can be found in village and corner shops, municipal offices or pharmacies. Sometimes you even come across them in places you would never have suspected.

Gabriel Ehrbar

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Branch with partner Môtiers NE

Môtiers NE branch

In Môtiers, in Val-de-Travers in the canton of Neuchâtel, people meet in a quite unusual place to take care of their postal business: the “Maison de l’Absinthe”Target not accessible. Here, everything revolves around the famous spirit – and since 2014, this is even the case for letters, parcels and all the rest. Often, visitors to this iconic site for absinthe fans – totalling a good 12,000 per year – are surprised to learn that there is also a post office here. According to Yann Klauser, Manager of the Maison de l’Absinthe and the Swiss Post branch, ”People often ask me if they are in the right place for the post office because it smells so good.” Naturally, Swiss Post customers occasionally indulge in a “green fairy” once they have picked up their parcel.

Branch with partner Bosco/Gurin

Bosco/Gurin TI branch

Could Bosco/Gurin be the most authentic and yet the least typical village in Ticino? Yes, definitely! Bosco/Gurin is the only German-speaking village in the southerly canton, and the highest one too. Anyone who has already visited knows that a trip to Bosco/Gurin is an experience. It is not just the stunning mountain scenery and a visit to the historical “Guriner Walserhaus” museum that encourage visitors to linger.Target not accessible The branch with partner also offers a selection of specialities. Alfio Sartori, the former post office worker, handles much more than just postal business. He is also a baker in the family-owned bakery and brews his own “Weltu” beer in his micro-brewery. Cheers!

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Branch with partner Kastanienbaum

Kastanienbaum LU branch

On the Horw peninsula, the Seehotel Kastanienbaum Target not accessiblepampers its guests with a breathtaking view over Lake Lucerne, a private beach, a heated outdoor pool, a marina and... a branch with partner. The branch in the four-star hotel is unique: it was not only the first branch with partner in a hotel but is also open 24/7. Apart from here, only postomats and My Post 24 terminals offer the same service. Another highlight is that the branch is accessible not only by land but also by boat.

Meride TI branch

The terrestrial dinosaur Ticinosuchus lived about 240 million years ago on the edge of a subtropical sea. Today, a two-and-a-half metre-long reconstruction of this dinosaur greets visitors to the Museo dei fossiliTarget not accessible, or the museum of fossils, in Meride. Spread across four floors, the museum presents the wide range of creatures which populated the former sea and its coastal area in southern Ticino, but visitors to the museum find much more than just plants and animals from the unique Monte San Giorgio Target not accessibleUNESCO world heritage site. Swiss Post also has settled here with a branch with partner – providing the most modern of services at the heart of a prehistoric world.

Gravesano TI branch

The name speaks for itself: “PROposta”Target not accessible is the organization of the “Fondazione Diamante” foundation in Gravesano. The foundation supports a wide range of projects for people with disabilities throughout the canton of Ticino. These include workshops, supervised residential communities... and since 7 September 2020, even the operation of a branch with partner on behalf of Swiss Post. To operate the branch, the foundation rented extra premises in the Raiffeisen Bank building in Gravesano, extending its efforts to create opportunities for people with disabilities to play an active role in society and professional life. An unparalleled, innovative and successful partnership model.

written by

Gabriel Ehrbar

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